Package | Description |
tv.noixion.troncli | |
tv.noixion.troncli.examples | |
tv.noixion.troncli.models | |
tv.noixion.troncli.models.contracts | |
tv.noixion.troncli.utils |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
javafx.util.Pair<TronTransaction,TronAddress> |
TronClient.deploySmartContract(TronWallet owner,
String contractName,
String ABI,
String byteCode,
TriggerContractDataBuilder constructorCall,
TronCurrency feeLimit,
long consumeUserResourcePercent,
TronCurrency callValue,
long callValueTokenId,
long callValueToken,
long originEnergyLimit,
Map<String,TronAddress> libraries)
Deploys an smart contract on the Tron network.
javafx.util.Pair<TronTransaction,TronAddress> |
TronClient.deploySmartContract(TronWallet owner,
String contractName,
String ABI,
String byteCode,
TriggerContractDataBuilder constructorCall,
TronCurrency feeLimit,
long consumeUserResourcePercent,
TronCurrency callValue,
Map<String,TronAddress> libraries)
Deploys an smart contract on the Tron network.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TronTransaction |
TronClient.createAccount(TronWallet owner,
TronAddress newAccount)
Creates an account.
TronAccount |
TronClient.getAccountByAddress(TronAddress address)
Queries tha information of an account by its address.
TronAccountNet |
TronClient.getAccountNet(TronAddress address)
Queries the account net usage information.
TronAccountResource |
TronClient.getAccountResources(TronAddress address)
Queries the account resources information.
List<TronAssetIssue> |
TronClient.getAssetIssueByOwnerAddress(TronAddress address)
Gets the list of assets owned by an address.
TronSmartContract |
TronClient.getContract(TronAddress address)
Gets an smart contract deployen on the Tron network.
List<TronTransaction> |
TronClient.getTransactionsFrom(TronAddress address,
int offset,
int limit)
Gets the transactions made by an address.
List<TronTransaction> |
TronClient.getTransactionsTo(TronAddress address,
int offset,
int limit)
Gets the transferences to an address.
TronTransaction |
TronClient.participateAsset(TronWallet owner,
TronAddress receiver,
String assetName,
long amount)
Particiapes in an Asset, exchanging your currency for tokens.
TronTransaction |
TronClient.transfer(TronWallet owner,
TronAddress receiver,
TronCurrency amount)
Transfers coins (TRX / SUN)
TronTransaction |
TronClient.transferAsset(TronWallet owner,
TronAddress receiver,
String assetName,
long amount)
Transfers assets.
TriggerContractResult |
TronClient.triggerSmartContract(TronWallet owner,
TronAddress contractAddress,
TriggerContractDataBuilder call,
TronCurrency feeLimit,
TronCurrency callValue)
Triggers a smart contract, calling one method.
TriggerContractResult |
TronClient.triggerSmartContract(TronWallet owner,
TronAddress contractAddress,
TriggerContractDataBuilder call,
TronCurrency feeLimit,
TronCurrency callValue,
long callValueTokenId,
long callValueToken)
Triggers a smart contract, calling one method.
TronTransaction |
TronClient.updateSmartContractEnergyLimit(TronWallet owner,
TronAddress contractAddress,
long originEnergyLimit)
Updates the energy limit settings of a smart contract.
TronTransaction |
TronClient.updateSmartContractSettings(TronWallet owner,
TronAddress contractAddress,
long consumeUserResourcePercent)
Updates the settings of a smart contract.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
javafx.util.Pair<TronTransaction,TronAddress> |
TronClient.deploySmartContract(TronWallet owner,
String contractName,
String ABI,
String byteCode,
TriggerContractDataBuilder constructorCall,
TronCurrency feeLimit,
long consumeUserResourcePercent,
TronCurrency callValue,
long callValueTokenId,
long callValueToken,
long originEnergyLimit,
Map<String,TronAddress> libraries)
Deploys an smart contract on the Tron network.
javafx.util.Pair<TronTransaction,TronAddress> |
TronClient.deploySmartContract(TronWallet owner,
String contractName,
String ABI,
String byteCode,
TriggerContractDataBuilder constructorCall,
TronCurrency feeLimit,
long consumeUserResourcePercent,
TronCurrency callValue,
Map<String,TronAddress> libraries)
Deploys an smart contract on the Tron network.
TronTransaction |
TronClient.voteWitness(TronWallet owner,
Map<TronAddress,Long> votes)
Votes to a witness account.
Constructor and Description |
SmartContractEventListener(TronAddress contractAddress,
Protocol.SmartContract.ABI contractABI)
Creates a new instance of SmartContractEventListener
TronContractProxy(TronClient client,
TronAddress contractAddress)
Creates a new instance of TronContractProxy.
TronContractProxy(TronClient client,
TronAddress contractAddress,
Protocol.SmartContract.ABI contractABI)
Creates a new instance of TronContractProxy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BigInteger |
IERC20Proxy.allowance(TronAddress address,
TronAddress spender)
Retrieves the allowance of an account.
TronTransaction |
IERC20Proxy.approve(TronWallet sender,
TronAddress spender,
BigInteger value)
Approves another account to spend tokens.
BigInteger |
IERC20Proxy.balanceOf(TronAddress address)
Retrieves the balance of an account.
TronTransaction |
IERC20Proxy.transfer(TronWallet sender,
TronAddress to,
BigInteger value)
Transfers tokens.
TronTransaction |
IERC20Proxy.transferFrom(TronWallet sender,
TronAddress from,
TronAddress to,
BigInteger value)
Transfers from one account to another account.
Constructor and Description |
IERC20Proxy(TronClient client,
TronAddress contractAddress)
Creates a new instance of IERC20Proxy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TronAddress |
TronTransaction.Auth.getAccountAddress() |
TronAddress |
TronWitness.getAddress() |
TronAddress |
TronWallet.getAddress() |
TronAddress |
TronTransactionInformation.Log.getAddress() |
TronAddress |
TronAccount.getAddress() |
TronAddress |
TronTransactionInformation.InternalTransaction.getCaller() |
TronAddress |
TronTransactionInformation.getContractAddress() |
TronAddress |
TronSmartContractEvent.getContractAddress() |
TronAddress |
TronContract.getOwnerAddress() |
TronAddress |
TronProposal.getProposer() |
TronAddress |
TronTransactionInformation.InternalTransaction.getToAddress() |
TronAddress |
TronBlock.getWitnessAddress() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<TronAddress> |
TronProposal.getApprovals() |
Constructor and Description |
TronContract(TronContract.Type type,
TronAddress ownerAddress) |
TronSmartContractEvent(TronAddress contractAddress,
String eventName,
String eventSignature) |
TronSmartContractEvent(TronAddress contractAddress,
String eventName,
String eventSignature,
Map<String,String> types,
Map<String,Object> values) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TronAddress |
AccountCreationContract.getAddress() |
TronAddress |
UpdateSettingContract.getContractAddress() |
TronAddress |
TriggerSmartContractContract.getContractAddress() |
TronAddress |
TransferContract.getToAddress() |
TronAddress |
TransferAssetContract.getToAddress() |
TronAddress |
ParticipateAssetContract.getToAddress() |
TronAddress |
VoteWitnessContract.Vote.getVoteAddress() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<TronAddress> |
VoteAssetContract.getVotedAddresses() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TronAddress |
Interprets the result as an address.
TronAddress[] |
Interprets the result as an array of address.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BigInteger |
TRC20.allowance(TronAddress owner,
TronAddress spender) |
TronTransaction |
TRC20.approve(TronWallet sender,
TronAddress spender,
BigInteger value) |
BigInteger |
TRC20.balanceOf(TronAddress who) |
TronTransaction |
TRC20.decreaseAllowance(TronWallet sender,
TronAddress spender,
BigInteger subtractedValue) |
TronTransaction |
TRC20.increaseAllowance(TronWallet sender,
TronAddress spender,
BigInteger addedValue) |
TriggerContractDataBuilder |
TriggerContractDataBuilder.paramAddress(TronAddress value)
Adds new address parameter.
TronTransaction |
TRC20.transfer(TronWallet sender,
TronAddress to,
BigInteger value) |
TronTransaction |
TRC20.transferFrom(TronWallet sender,
TronAddress from,
TronAddress to,
BigInteger value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Contract.CreateSmartContract |
TronContracts.createContractDeployContract(String contractName,
byte[] address,
String ABI,
String code,
long value,
long consumeUserResourcePercent,
long originEnergyLimit,
long callValueTokenId,
long callValueToken,
Map<String,TronAddress> libraryAddressPair) |
static Contract.VoteWitnessContract |
TronContracts.createVoteWitnessContract(byte[] owner,
Map<TronAddress,Long> witness) |
static byte[] |
TronSmartContracts.replaceLibraryAddress(String code,
Map<String,TronAddress> libraries) |
Constructor and Description |
TRC20(TronClient client,
TronAddress contractAddress) |
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